What is the Ladder of Smiles?



At some oriental band meetings, you may see a fez passed for donations to the Ladder of Smiles.  At regional meetings or competitions you may see the same and hear me, or an A.S.O.B. officer or past president, ask for donations.  Most of the time the plea is for donations without explaining just what the Ladder of Smiles is and what it does.  Some of you are hearing and reading about the Ladder of Smiles for the first time and I hope any questions you have are answered in this article and the articles to come.

In Shrinedom there are two organizations that benefit our Shriners Hospitals for Children and our kids receiving treatment, the Clowns Sneaker Fund and the A.S.O.B. Ladder of Smiles. I don’t know much about the Sneaker Fund but I do know about the Ladder of Smiles. and I assume they are similar.

All the funds, (100%), donated to the Ladder of Smiles do directly benefit our hospitals and our kids.  There are no expenses deducted from your donations.  We are registered as a charitable organization as a 501 (c) 3 corporation and our fiscal year runs from Imperial Session to Imperial Session each year.

This is just a brief overview of just what is the Ladder of Smiles.  The next article will be about the history of the Ladder and how we are doing today.  But…President Harry has announced a goal of raising $70,000.00 during his year so please give generously and make Harry smile.

I bid you peace
