Greetings Bandsmen! 

We have just completed a very unusual year in our history.  All Association of Shrine Oriental Band Events were canceled beginning in March 2020 because of the Covid-19 Virus which has impacted the entire world, and in most areas still going strong.  The ASOB Jamboree to be held in Billings MT was canceled and the Imperial Council Session in Kansas City, Mo was also canceled. 

Congratulations to now Past President Darren DeHass P.P. for a very unusual year.  In March all Masonic and Shrine events were canceled by the leadership of the organizations.  When it became time for the Jamboree the Coronavirus was in full force and many states eliminated travel, group events, and close contact with each other. 

A new vocabulary came to the forefront, ZOOM Meetings, many of us knew nothing about electronic communication.  We had to learn in a very short time because we started talking about ZOOM Meetings, etc.  Well, we learned and started holding these meetings.  The ASOB Annual Meeting was held by a Zoom Meeting with about 22 members attending. We had our Annual Meeting and the election of officers for the year 2020-2021 electronically, it went very well.  I guess you can teach old dogs new tricks.

The slate of officers was elected going forward into 2020-2021 and hopefully further the Association’s longevity. The new Officers are: Noble Richard “Bear” Sobek, President, (Abdallah); Noble William “Bill” Bailey, 1st Vice-President (Midian); Noble Grady VanDiver, 2nd Vice-President, (Akdar); Past President Noble Chris Tsaros, 3rd Vice-President, (Al Azhar); Past President Ralph Jubb, Sergeant at Arms, (Al Kader);  Past President Don Moores, Re-elected Secretary/Treasurer, (Amara).   As you will notice the 3rd VP and the SAA positions are being filled with Past Association Presidents because despite the Officer’s efforts no one came forward to present their names for these positions.  It is hoped that someone reading this report will see fit to come forward and present their name for one or both these positions, so the President and the Executive Committee can appoint someone to fill these positions for going forward into next year.

The minutes of the Annual Meeting were distributed to the Executive Committee by email and no corrections have been reported to date; therefore the Minutes are approved as written.


Aleikum Es Selam,
Don Moores
A.S.O.B. Secretary/Treasurer

Secretary/Treasurer Report – August 2019

Don MooresWe have just returned from the Imperial Session held in Nashville, TN. The 2018-2019 Annual Meeting was held during the Imperial Session. The Minutes of the Meeting are published below as well as being posted on the website at ASOB.ORG.

The Annual Meeting was well attended by Past Presidents, Ambassadors, elected Officers, as well as several members of member bands. As you will notice in the minutes we are missing the bottom two officers of the progressive elected line, if anyone is interested in serving this Association as an officer, please contact one of the current elected officers.

Congratulations to our Bandsman of the Year, Dr. A.J. DiCaro, for his efforts in getting the ABOU SAAD Oriental Band up and going. ABOU SAAD’s Band is our first international Oriental Band. This was an effort of several people but Doc was the leading person in getting the interest started, almost two years ago several bandsmen went to Panama to present the charter to ABOU SAAD.

Congratulations to the KHIVA Oriental Band for another outstanding performance at the Opening Ceremony of the Imperial Session. There were setting around us that we setting very unanimated until the band arrived at the front of the Convention Center by the end of the first number they were all standing and cheering, well through the HEY Tune.

Our Prayers are needed for our Past President, Harry Pressman, who was admitted to the hospital shortly before the Annual Awards and Installation Banquet. He is now at home in Houston after being hospitalized for about a week. Surgery that was scheduled for later in July was canceled until he builds up his strength.

Aleikum Es Selam,
Don Moores

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

Association of Shrine Oriental Bands International

July 1, 2019

The Annual Meeting of the Association of Shrine Oriental Bands was held at the Sheraton Music City Inn on July 1, 2019. President Harry Pressman called the meeting to order on 9:05 A.M. CDT.

President called on Sergeant-at-Arms to lead the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance to the flags and 2nd Vice-President Richard Sobek to give the invocation. There were eight Past Presidents and four Ambassadors in attendance.


The Auditors, consisting of Darren DeHass, Chairman, Paul Gluck, and Dr. A.J. DiCaro, reported that the books of the Treasurer and Ladder of Smiles Chairman had been audited and no discrepancies were found. The Ladder of Smiles Chairman and Treasurer were commended on keeping good records. It was moved and seconded that the report of the Audit Committee be approved, the motion carried.


The President called for the reading of any of the Minutes of previous meetings. It was moved and seconded, the reading of the minutes be dispensed, the motion carried.

The Secretary/Treasurer was asked for the Financial Report for April 1, 2018, through March 31, 2019, for the two accounts operated by the A.S.O.B. A motion was made and seconded to approve the report as read. The motion was approved. (The full reports are available to any member of the Association, in good standing, and requesting a copy in writing.) The Secretary/Treasurer reported that he had attended no regional meetings during the past year because of health problems. It was reported all bills had been paid with the exception of bills related to the Annual Meeting and Competition, those being Honorariums, Plaques for Competition.


The Ladder of Smiles Chairman reported that the goal for 2018-2019 was $75,000. He reported the donations had reached approximately $40,000. The final report will not be issued until after the banquet collections on the evening of July 1, 2019, because all donations prior to the Installation of the New Officers would apply to the 20018-2019 Goal. The final Report will be issued after the end of the Convention.




Past President Jim Whitehouse presented his comments regarding the officers of the association and their Activities for the last year.

Item No. 1-By-Laws Update: P.P. Jim Whitehouse highlighted the lack of the update to the ASOB By-Laws approved at the 2017-2018 Association Annual Meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer announced he would take the responsibility of getting the By-Laws updated and approved.

Item No. 2 -Conformance to and abide by the By-Laws: He then asked each setting officer to confirm that they would conform and support the existing By-Laws of the Association. Each officer, (1st VP; 2nd VP and Sergeant-At-Arms) responded in the affirmative.

Item No. 3-NA KHABAR Articles and updates to the Web page: Update the Web page to include the new officers and their contact information. Provide articles written for publishing in the NA KHABAR and that the required number of magazines (minimum of three) be produced. Each officer (1st VP; 2nd VP and Sergeant-At-Arms) responded in the affirmative.

Item No. 4-Travel: Each officer was asked to confirm that in addition to attending his own association they would attend at least three regional Association events during the year. Each officer (2nd VP and Sergeant-At-Arms) responded in the affirmative. The 1st VP noted that he could not commit to visiting three regional Association events due to current restraints on his time but that he would attend as time became available.

Past President Paul Gluck outlined the procedure to add new tunes to the Music Library and made a motion to add the 2019-2020 Competition Tune THAMONIA to the Music Library, The motion was seconded and passed by a unanimous vote.

The Secretary/Treasurer asked approval to create a resolution to continue the Banking Relations with the BB&T Bank with the Secretary/Treasurer as an official authorized Signature and add Past President Jeffrey S. Moores to the BB&T ASOB bank Checking Account as an official additional authorized Signature. The Motion was made and seconded. The motion passed unanimously.



Noble Harry Pressman reported that he traveled to SESOBA, Nashville to attend the Hoedown in April of this year. He also announced he made additional trips to Nashville to work with the Sheraton Music City Inn to set up the various rooms and events required to the Jamboree for 2019.


Past Potentate Darren DeHass announced that he had contacted the Ambassadors of the regions for which he was responsible. Darren listened to the issue they believe they have, which are the same as usual: Members and participation. His comment was that we need to continue to support and work on ways to add value to the membership in an attempt to stabilize and grow both membership and participation levels. He announced the Strategic Committee will be held in Billings, MT the last week of September, hopefully before the snow falls. The meeting will be held at the KOA Training Facilities and Conference area. Events are scheduled for Thursday Evening, Friday and Saturday wrap-up with a trip to the “Top of the World” with dinner and shopping area. The 2019 Jamboree will be held the last week of May 2020. No events will occur at Shriners International’s Imperial Convention in 2020.

Second Vice-President

Noble Richard “Bear” Sobek announced no travel last year because of work and health issues. He did announce the Ladder of Smiles support program of the “Camel Herders” where the members of ABDALLAH SHRINERS CAMEL HERDERS group are fined for the Ladder of Smiles if they did not wear the camel necklace provided to them as members.


Noble Norman Tinkham reported he would be stepping down from the ASOB Officer line for personal reasons. He also reported he attended the GLSOBA Jamboree in Cincinnati in June.


Noble William “Bill” Bailey Announced he had made several trips to Panama to assist the ABOU SAAD SHRINERS Oriental Band to get their start and they hope to be able to compete next year in regional events and maybe the Jamboree.


The Secretary/Treasurer announced that he had attended the Imperial Convention in Daytona Beach, FL last July. He also announced that the Florida Shrine Association had agreed to give up their charter over the Shrine Centers in Florida and if approved by the voting delegates at the convention of the Iowa Corporation the FSA would cease to exist.


Noble Dr. A.J. DiCaro reported on the activities of the newly created Oriental Band at ABOU SAAD SHRINERS, Panama City, Panama. He reported the band was proceeding with their formation and learning some tunes to be played and thanked Noble Bailey as well as others which have contributed support and assistance to getting instruments, uniforms and shipping cost for the equipment supplied to the new band.


President Harry Pressman turned the Elections Process over to Past President and Parliamentarian Past President Jim Whitehouse to conduct the Nominations and elections. Past President Whitehouse called for nominations for the office of President of A.S.O.B. A motion was made and seconded to nominate Darren DeHass, P.P. to the Office of President for the year 2019/2020. Having no other nominations after three calls, the nominations were closed and the Secretary/Treasurer was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Darren DeHass, P.P. as President of A.S.O.B. for the year 2019/2020, Noble DeHass P.P. acclaimed his willingness to serve.

Nominations were then opened for the office of First Vice President of A.S.O.B. for the year 2019/2020. A motion was made and seconded to nominate Noble Richard “Bear” Sobek for the office of First Vice President. There being no further nominations after three calls, the nominations were closed and the Secretary/Treasurer was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Noble Richard “Bear” Sobek to the office of First Vice President of A.S.O.B. for the year of 2019/2020, Noble Sobek acclaimed his willingness to serve.

Nominations were then opened for the office of Second Vice President of A.S.O.B. for the year 2019/2020. A motion was made and seconded to nominate William “Bill” Bailey to the office of Second Vice President. There being no further nominations after three calls, the nominations were closed and the Secretary/Treasurer was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Noble Bailey as Second Vice President of A.S.O.B. for the year 2019/2020, Noble Bailey acclaimed his willingness to serve.

Nominations were then opened for the office of Third Vice President of A.S.O.B. for the year 2019/2020. There being no nominations after three calls, the nominations were closed and the office was left vacant.

Nominations were then opened for the office of Sergeant-at-Arms of A.S.O.B. for the year 2019/2020. There being no nominations after three calls, the nominations were closed and the office was left vacant.

Nominations were then opened for the office of Secretary/Treasurer of A.S.O.B. for the year 2019/2020. A motion was made and seconded to nominate Noble Donald Moores for the office of Secretary/ Treasurer. There being no further nominations after three calls, the nominations were closed and the President was instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Noble Donald Moores as Secretary/Treasurer of A.S.O.B. for the year 2019/2020, Noble Moores acclaimed his willingness to serve.

President-Elect Illustrious Sir Darren DeHass gave an acceptance speech which was short and sweet and announced the Competition Tune for 2019-2020. The Fall Meeting will be in Billings, Montana.


Noble Harry Pressman relieved all appointed Officers of their assignments effective June 30, 2019, and will need the President-Elect to reappoint them to their new duties after he takes office in July 2019.

There being no further business to come before the Association, the meeting was adjourned in peace and harmony at 10:30 A.M.

The benediction was given by the Noble Richard Sobek.

Respectfully Submitted,
Yours in the Faith,

Donald W. Moores
2019/2020 Secretary/Treasurer