Bandsman of the Year!

Find out how we select a member for this prestigious award and who that member is for 2019-20!

Bored and a keyboard handy……

I was thinking….MOST of you OB guys have been around a long time. I’m a relative newbie! So maybe I should give you some Shrine background on ME so you’ll get to know me better.

I grew up in the Shrine. My dad was in Director’s Staff, Scooter Patrol & Wheel Patrol. The last job he had before passing was Potentate’s Aide.  I joined Abou Ben Adhem in Springfield and immediately joined Pomme De Terre Shrine club and got in a Roadster!! After 8 parades I finally finished one and started having fun. I then bought a Tin Lizzie too. But I moved back to my dad’s Temple (Abdallah) and found my home….OB! No repairs, no things to break down….just come & play music! This is how my Oriental Band “interview” went…

Band: You got any musical talent?  Me: Well, 1st chair trumpet, 1st chair french horn, piano by ear, drums, rhythm guitar, had a few bands…

Band:’re on the Gong!  Me: Cool….wait….what just happened?

The best decision I ever made was this Band of Brothers, these Desert Dawgs, the guys and gals of the OB. It’s OUR job to keep the history, sound, flair, spirit and fun alive! WE ARE OB BABY!!! All os us in every Temple must do what we can to help.


Busy Weekend!!

Hello Desert Dawgs!!!! Busy weekend in Middle Earth. Abdallah’s Oriental Band hosted the 1st of 2 Texas Hold ‘Em events. Good night, lots of fun and raised a few dollars. Then Sunday it was the Shrine Bowl players banquet and the Band put on our famous “Hospital Skit” for the young men. This week…more practice for the ASOB competition. I hope to see many of you there and enjoy the fellowship of the best guys & gals in the Shrine…..OB Baby!!!!

Ed Harvey Jr.

Gong Player to…wait…I’m playing the cymbals now?!?!?! C’mon man…

Ed Harvey Jr.

CYMBAL player to the Stars!!!

First Post!

Hey Mighty Desert Dawgs of the Oriental Bands!!! I hope some of you will enjoy my posts and get others of you excited again about our OBs!!!  President Chris calls us the “Middle Earth” guys, I prefer to think of us as the HEART of the country, and the heart of OB country! I’ve sent out emails to all the CSSA Temples telling them I am here to help them. I hope if anyone has ANYTHING I can help with you will contact me!

Hopefully I will see you guys at ASOB in Kansas City. I’m looking forward to talking, competing and doing what Shriners do best…HAVE FUN! So tune up the horns, get the drums ready and let’s go!!!! Keep watching for posts, videos & information that I can glean for your help and pleasure!!


Ed Harvey

Gong Player to the Stars!!!


Sergeant at Arms Update Update

Richard Sobek, Sergeant at Arms

When I first accepted this position, I did not know what to do with this chance. After spending a weekend with our President, Chris Tsaros, I know my work. I would like to start off my year by asking ALL existing Oriental Bands to send the name of their Temple and web address, Music Director and Secretary, including name, address, phone, and email address and Facebook page if used. The files seriously need updating and I have taken it upon myself to aid in this process.

I realize that as members get older, the ranks are getting smaller. As I stepped down as President of ASOBCS, I could only say, IAM-RU. This not only refers to being or becoming a proud Shriner, but to the need to get our younger members into a GREAT unit. This does not take much other than a quick question, “Do you like playing music or are willing to learn, wearing exotic clothing, and making people dance and smile?” Remember, the Oriental Bands do much to raise funds for our Hospitals through Ladder of Smiles events.

Here at Abdallah, Camel Herders run by the OB work year round to raise our annual donation. I look forward to this year and hope ALL of my OB family throughout the United States reading this will aid in keeping and rebuilding one of the BEST parts of any Temple. Please send your information in and let’s get up to date!

Second Vice President Update

Darren DeHass, ASOB 2nd Vice President

Es salaam Alaikum, again my Brothers!

The Second Annual Kansa City Jamboree is building on the excitements of the first version in 2017. We had great feedback on the good time had by everyone attending and to that excitement we have added two new events for the very first time in the history of the ASOB annual competitions.

First is live entertainment to the choreography and sounds of A’isha. This talented lady from Kansa City is a well-known entertainer about who you can discover on her website at A’isha wil be featured at our awards evening on Saturday May 5th.

Another exciting addition to our schedule of events is a public performance by the combined group of bandsmen in downtown Kansas City. You will be briefed on the format of this event on Friday afternoon. We intent to Raise the Roof in Kansas City with this event by raising awareness about Shriners Hospital and maybe collect some money for the Ladder of Smiles along the way. We expect and will arrange for full press coverage for this performance format we know you will find exciting. Hold on to you headgear sign up for the Jamboree in Kansas City and come on down and be ready to raise the roof with our heavenly sounds this side of paradise.

From the President!

Nobles All,

On November 18, 2017 the newly formed Abou Saad Shriners Oriental Band in Panama City, Panama, helped us make history by becoming the first oriental band to be chartered outside the Continental U.S. and Canada. This historic event was the culmination of a one year journey. Managing this project to completion gave me the opportunity to experience firsthand how our Shriner bonds transcend borders.

It all started with an email to the Association of Shrine Oriental Bands (ASOB) inquiring if there was a possibility to acquire used instruments for a new band in Panama City, Panama (Abou Saad). After the usual hand wringing and the hope that someone did answer the call, a second request arrived a number of weeks later

My call to action was answered from different corners of the Oriental Band domain. First to answer the call was my own band the Al Azhar Shriners OB in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Led by our Band Director Art Laing the band made the decision to provide a complete set of instruments for 18 musicians.

Jeff Moores, past ASOB President contributed surplus uniforms from Melha, his OB. Alas the momentum built to this point was suddenly disrupted by the first major obstacle in the journey. Shipping the instruments from Calgary to Panama required a long journey by truck to Eastern Canada, and then on to a cargo ship for the journey down to Panama. Total shipping costs amounted to US$2100.00.

At the annual ASOB planning meeting I made an appeal to my fellow ASOB executive members for help. The call for contributions to cover the cost was met within 5 minutes. Joining me in making sizeable contributions were:

Joe Brewton (recently deceased), Ralph Jubb, Don Moores and A.J. Di Caro. Total raised was US$1800. The remaining US$300 was contributed by the Abou Saad Oriental Band members.

I am very grateful to Potentate Ricaurter (Ricky) Arrocha his Divan and all the members of the Abou Saad Oriental Band for the care and hospitality afforded to me my lady Carmella and the ASOB delegation that accompanied me. We had a great time in Panama with tours of the Panama Canal and other Panama City highlights.

A special thanks to Lady Sandra Stanziola the Administrative Assistant for Abou Saad Shriners. Over our journey together in helping to get the instruments from Canada to Panama, I became convinced that Lady Sandra, knew how to part waters and move mountains. Thank you Lady Sandra for all your invaluable efforts.

When you get a chance visit the Abou Saad Shriners and play with the band. Those of us who offered music workshops during our stay were impressed with the resident talent in the band, the incredible drive and fantastic attitude evident. They are fun to hang around with. We offered new music to them which was well understood to the extent that the band performed brilliantly at the evening ceremonial.

And yes a few of us did affiliate with Abou Saad. I think the extra fancy shirts is what did it.


  • Miquel Canales
  • Ricaurter Arrocha
  • Aristides Barria
  • Alberto Thompson
  • Alexander J. Di Caro
  • Rodolfo Moreno
  • Raul De Obaldia
  • Jaime Zelaya
  • Eduardo Crocamo
  • Joseph Salterio
  • Eladio Tribaldos
  • Israel Gordon
  • Miquel Brostella
  • Bill Bailey
  • Harry Pressman

Support the Ladder of Smiles


As an Oriental Bandsmen, it is our obligation to financially help our children and our hospital. It is up to each bandsman, band, and regional association to provide, in their own way, funds to treat the children that need our help.  Some bandsmen do this by way of a memorial donation or honorarium, a bequest or just a donation.  Some bands pass the fez at their meetings, hold a raffle, or have a fundraising event.  Some associations contribute as well.  The T.A.S.O.B. Mid-Winter Meeting, March 23 – 25, 2018, in Tyler TX, is having a raffle to benefit the LADDER OF SMILES.  At one T.A.S.O.B. Mid-Winter meeting a wagon was auctioned off not once but TWICE, bringing in over $1400.00 (in addition to other treasures in the auction) to help our kids.

What can you do as an individual bandsman, member of a band, or member of an association?


The smiles of children DO make it all worthwhile.

See you at the Jamboree in Kansas City, May 4 – 6. 2018!